Monday, May 27, 2013

Computer Basics MCQ Test – 1

Que.1. condensing output data to exhibit specific information is
A.    calculating
B.    recording
C.    merging
D.    summarizing

Right Answer: D

Que.2. ASCII stands for
A.    American Stable Code for International Interchange
B.    American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
C.    American Standard Code for Information Interchange
D.    American Standard Code for Interchange Information

Right Answer: C

Que.3. Which is considered a direct entry input device?
A.    Optical scanner
B.    Mouse and digitizer
C.    Light pen
D.    All of the above

Right Answer: D

Que.4. One millisecond is
A.    1 second
B.    10th of a seconds
C.    1000th of a seconds
D.    10000th of a seconds

Right Answer: C

Que.5. The number of characters that can be stored in given physical space is
A.    Word length
B.    Byte
C.    Data density
D.    Field

Right Answer: C

Que.6. A plastic card similar to credit card but having some memory and a microprocessor embedded within it is
A.    Punched paper tape
B.    Chip card
C.    Card punch
D.     Magnetic tape

Right Answer: A

Que.7. Which number system is commonly used as a shortcut notation for groups of four binary digits?
A.    Binary
B.    Decimal
C.    Octal
D.    Hexadecimal

Right Answer: D

Que.8. The use of spooler programs and/or ____________ Hardware allows personal computer operators to do the processing work at the same time a printing operation is in process
A.    Registered mails
B.    Memory
C.    CPU
D.    Buffer

Right Answer: D

Que.9. A byte consist of
A.    One bit
B.    Four bits
C.    Eight bits
D.    Sixteen bits

Right Answer: C

Que.10. Which is an item of storage medium in the form of circular plate?
A.    Disk
B.    CPU
C.    Printer
D.    ALU

Right Answer: A

Que.11. The personnel who deals with the computer and its management put together are called
A.    Software
B.    Human ware
C.    Firmware
D.    Hardware

Right Answer: B

Que.12. A disk storage medium in the form of assembly containing a single rigid magnetic disk permanently is
A.    Fixed disk
B.    Disk cartridge
C.    Card punch
D.    Card reader

Right Answer: B

Que.13. A directly accessible appointment calendar is feature of a ___________ resident package
A.    CPU
B.    Memory
C.    Buffer
D.    ALU

Right Answer: B

Que.14. A group of magnetic tapes, videos or terminals usually under the control of one master is
A.    Cylinder
B.    Surface
C.    Track
D.    Cluster

Right Answer: D

Que.15. Computer professionals working in a computer center are:
A.    Software
B.    Firmware
C.    Hardware
D.    Humanware

Right Answer: D

Que.16. Which of the following memories allows simultaneous read and write operations?
A.    ROM
B.    RAM
D.    None of the above

Right Answer: B

Que.17. A type of core store that has a lower access time than the devices used for working store in the same processor is known as
A.    Core memory
B.    Buffer
C.    Fast core
D.    Address register

Right Answer: D

Que.18. A term used to describe interconnected computer configuration is
A.    Multiprogramming
B.    Modulation
C.    Multiprocessing
D.    Micro program sequence

Right Answer: A

Que.19. To locate a data item for storage is
A.    Field
B.    Feed
C.    Database
D.    Fetch

Right Answer: D

Que.20. An error in computer data is called
A.    Chip
B.    Bug
C.    CPU
D.    Storage device

Right Answer: B

Software Engineering MCQ Test – 1

Que.1. What are KPAs and how many KPAs should be satisfied for a company to achieve CMMLs
A.    Key project areas,17
B.    Key project areas, 18
C.    Key process areas, 17
D.    Key process areas, 18

Right Answer: D

Que.2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of scrum model of product development?
A.    Incremental development
B.    Agile nature
C.    Stable requirements
D.    Time-boxed scheduling

Right Answer: C

Que.3. Which of the following is a non functional requirement of a web based application?
A.    When the user clicks a “read me” link, the color of the link should change from blue to pink
B.    When the user clicks a “read me” link, the next page should be opened within 5 seconds
C.    When the user clicks a “read me” links, the mouse over should show the target page title in a tool tip
D.    When the user clicks a “read me” links, the read me page should load successfully without errors

Right Answer: B

Que.4. Incremental funding methodology (IFM) takes into consideration all but
A.    Project ROI
B.    NPV
C.    Opportunity cost
D.    Start up cost

Right Answer: C

Que.5. CMM is
A.    Company maturity model
B.    Capability maturity model
C.    Configuration maturity model
D.    Company management model

Right Answer: B

Que.6. Which of the following is not a process important model
A.    CMMI
B.    ISO 9000
C.    ISO 15504
D.    None of the above

Right Answer: D

Que.7. A scrum is actually a
A.    Software process model which is agile in nature
B.    A team pack in rugby where everyone in the pack act together to move the ball down the field
C.    None of the above
D.    Both a and b

Right Answer: D

Que.8. Which of the following is not a valid software engineering architecture?
A.    White board architecture
B.    Client server architecture
C.    Layered hierarchy
D.    Peer to peer architecture

Right Answer: A

Que.9. Testing robustness of software system by making it fail is.
I.    Stress test
II.    Crash test
III.    Metallographic test
IV.    Hardness test

A.    I
B.    I and II
C.    I and III
D.    All choices are correct

Right Answer: D

Que.10. CMMi has an interactive lifecycle when compared to CMM.
A.    True
B.    False

Right Answer: A

Que.11. Post implementation review is
A.    reviewing the risk baseline
B.    reviewing the traceability matrix
C.    reviewing the impact on customers
D.    None of the above

Right Answer: B

Que.12. RUP and PSP stands for
A.    Realtime unified process and Project software process
B.    Realtime unified process and Personal software process
C.    Rational Unified Process and Project software process
D.    Rational Unified Process and Personal software process

Right Answer: D

Que.13. A test plan may contain all but
A.    traceability screenshots
B.    test data
C.    test set
D.    traceability requirements

Right Answer: A

Que.14. Which of the following models follow a purity sequential approach
A.    Waterfall model
B.    Spiral model
C.    Iterfall development
D.    Iterative development

Right Answer: A

Que.15. Which of the following is not a design tool?
A.    Simple SUMI
B.    Rational Rose
C.    Rhapsody
D.    Rational Robot

Right Answer: D

Que.16. Configuration management is
A.    management of the config file in operating system
B.    identifying and controlling changes to the configuration of a system
C.    process of configuring the management processes and practices
D.    None of the above

Right Answer: B

Que.17. __________ enhances performance and functionality of the software after delivery
A.    re-design
B.    re-engineering
C.    maintenance
D.    post checking

Right Answer: C

Que.18. Which of the following models combine the features of waterfall model and prototyping model:
A.    Modified waterfall model
B.    Spiral model
C.    Iterfall development
D.    Iterative development

Right Answer: B

Que.19. Which of the following is not a graphical language for software design:
A.    UML
B.    DML
C.    EEML
D.    SysML

Right Answer: B

Que.20. Effective requirement document is one which does not
A.    show ambiguity
B.    refer to high level documents
C.    have traceability requirements
D.    depict data flow diagrams

Right Answer: A