Thursday, August 1, 2013

Software Testing MCQ Test – 3

Que.1. In a company if the test plan is not written according to the standards, which category of defect will it be classified into

A:        Process defect
B:        Product defect
C:        Procedure defect
D:        Documentation defect

Right Answer: A

Que.3. Which of the following aptly describes tesing?

A:        a stage/phase of all projects
B:        debugging code
C:        Finding broken code
D:        Evaluating deliverable to find errors

Right Answer: D

Que.2. Cyclomatic complexity is a

A:        White box testing technique
B:        Black box testing technique
C:        Gray box testing technique
D:        None of the above

Right Answer: A

Que.4. Which of the following affect Software testing?

A:        Misunderstanding life cycle testing
B:        Poorly developed test plans
C:        People relationships
D:        All choices are correct.

Right Answer: D

Que.5. Cost of software testing is ___________ percentage of software development

A:        5-10
B:        20-40
C:        40-50
D:        70-80

Right Answer: C

Que.6. Software testing accounts for what percent of software development costs?

A:        10-20
B:        40-50
C:        70-80
D:        50-50

Right Answer: B

Que.7. Lower and upper limits are present in

A:        Control chart
B:        Run chart
C:        Bar chart
D:        Resource chart

Right Answer: A

Que.8. Auxiliary code which sets up an appropriate environment and calls the module is termed as

A:        Driver
B:        Function
C:        Stub
D:        None of the above

Right Answer: A

Que.9. Syntax checking is a

A:        Code coverage technique
B:        Structural testing technique
C:        Functional testing technique
D:        Statement coverage technique

Right Answer: C

Que.10. Which of the following is not a part of defect management process?

A:        Defect reporting
B:        Defect prevention
C:        Requirement baselining
D:        All choices are correct.

Right Answer: C

Que.11. Exit criteria in test plan mentions

A:        When to stop accepting new requirements
B:        When to stop the code from moving to production
C:        When to stop testing activities
D:        When to stop from accepting new pieces of code

Right Answer: C

Que.12. When to stop testing

A:        When you run out of time
B:        All test cases are done
C:        When quality goals established in the beginning of the project are met
D:        When all bugs are fixed

Right Answer: C

Que.13. Which of the following defect attribute denotes the order in which defects need to be fixed?

A:        Severity
B:        Priority
C:        Intensity
D:        Complexity

Right Answer: B

Que.14. Which of the following is not used as a size measurement when measuring the size of a software?

A:        Size of a module
B:        KLOC
C:        Function points
D:        Pages of documentation

Right Answer: A

Que.15. Which of the following is also referred to as "Fishbone diagram"?

A:        Scatter plot diagram
B:        Histogram
C:        Pareto diagram
D:        Ishikawa diagram

Right Answer: D

Que.16. Comparing processes or products against best practices with the goal of improvement is

A:        Baselining
B:        Benchsetting
C:        Benchmarking
D:        Benefits Realizing

Right Answer: C

Que.17. Quality assurance is a process by which product quality is compared with applicable standards, and the action taken when non-conformance is detected.

A:        True
B:        False

Right Answer: B

Que.18. The more common benefit associated with the service level agreement are

A:        Establish two-way accountability
B:        Make complaining easy
C:        Provide the basis for the budget
D:        All choices are correct.

Right Answer: D

Que.19. The number of defects in a particular software is given by which metric

A:        Defect removal rate
B:        Defect density
C:        Mean time to failure
D:        Coverage metrics

Right Answer: B

Que.20. Relation between two variables over time is given by

A:        Scatter plot diagram
B:        Bar chart diagram
C:        Histogram diagram
D:        Run chart diagram

Right Answer: A

Computer Basics MCQ Test – 3

Que.1. Which of the following is not a primary storage device?

A:        Magnetic tape
B:        Magnetic disk
C:        Optical disk
D:        None of above

Right Answer: D

Que.2. Which of the following is machine independence program?

A:        High level language
B:        Low level language
C:        Assembly language
D:        Machine language

Right Answer: A

Que.3. The first electronic computer in the world was

A:        UNIVAC
B:        EDVAC
C:        ENIAC
D:        All of above

Right Answer: C

Que.4. Which of the following is called low level languages?

A:        Machine language
B:        Assembly language
C:        Both of the above
D:        None of above

Right Answer: C

Que.5. Which of the following memories needs refresh?

A:        SRAM
B:        DRAM
C:        ROM
D:        All of above

Right Answer: B

Que.6. The difference between memory and storage is that memory is ____ and storage is _____

A:        Temporary, permanent
B:        Permanent, temporary
C:        Slow, fast
D:        All of above

Right Answer: A

Que.7. Which of the following registers is loaded with the contents of the memory location pointed by the PC?

A:        Memory address register
B:        Memory data register
C:        Instruction registers
D:        Program counter

Right Answer: C

Que.8. The most commonly used standard data code to represent
alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used in electronic
data processing system is called

A:        ASCII
B:        EBCDIC
C:        BCD
D:        All of above

Right Answer: A

Que.9. Offline device is

A:        A device which is not connected to CPU
B:        A device which is connected to CPU
C:        A direct access storage device
D:        An I/O device

Right Answer: A

Que.10. High level language is also called

A:        Problem oriented language
B:        Business oriented language
C:        Mathematically oriented language
D:        All of the above

Right Answer: D

Que.11. Mnemonic a memory trick is used in which of the following language?

A:        Machine language
B:        Assembly language
C:        High level language
D:        None of above

Right Answer: B

Que.12. Instruction in computer languages consists of

A:        OPCODE
B:        OPERAND
C:        Both of above
D:        None of above

Right Answer: C

Que.13. Software in computer

A:        Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine
B:        Increase the speed of central processing unit
C:        Both of above
D:        None of above

Right Answer: A

Que.14. In the third Generation of computers

A:        Distributed data processing first became popular
B:        An operating system was first developed
C:        High level procedural language were first used
D:        Online real time systems first become popular

Right Answer: D

Que.14. In the third Generation of computers

A:        Distributed data processing first became popular
B:        An operating system was first developed
C:        High level procedural language were first used
D:        Online real time systems first become popular

Right Answer: D

Que.16. A digital computer did not score over an analog computer in terms of

A:        Speed
B:        Accuracy
C:        Reliability
D:        Cost

Right Answer: B

Que.17. An integrated circuit is

A:        A complicated circuit
B:        An integrating device
C:        Much costlier than a single transistor
D:        Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip

Right Answer: D

Que.18. Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second?

A:        Static RAM
B:        Dynamic RAM
C:        EPROM
D:        ROM

Right Answer: B

Que.19. Which American Computer Company is called big blue?

A:        Microsoft
B:        Compaq Corp
C:        IBM
D:        Tandy Sevenson

Right Answer: C

Que.20. Binary circuit elements have

A:        One stable state
B:        Two stable state
C:        Three stable state
D:        None of above

Right Answer: B