Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Software Testing MCQ Test – 1

Que.1. Defects are less costly if detected in which of the following phases
A.    Coding
B.    Design
C.    Requirements Gathering
D.    Implementation

Right Answer: C

Que.2. User Acceptance testing is
A.    White box testing
B.    Black box testing
C.    Gray box testing
D.    None of the above

Right Answer: B

Que.3. Error guessing is a
A.    Test verification techniques
B.    Test execution techniques
C.    Test control management techniques
D.    Test data management technique

Right Answer: D

Que.4. Histogram refers to
A.    Bar chart
B.    Run chart
C.    Pareto diagram
D.    Correlation diagram

Right Answer: A

Que.5. Pareto principle advocates
A.    20-80 rule
B.    80-20 rule
C.    40-60 rule
D.    60-40 rule

Right Answer: B

Que.6. Which one is not Structural Testing?
A.    Regression
B.    Parallel
C.    Acceptance
D.    Stress

Right Answer: C

Que.7. Testing comes under which category of cost of quality?
A.    Preventive
B.    Appraisal
C.    Failure
D.    None of the above

Right Answer: B

Que.8. Which of the following is not true about Incremental testing?
A.    Top-Down approach can be used
B.    Use of stubs or drivers are required
C.    All modules need to be completed prior to testing
D.    Bottom – up approach is also possible

Right Answer: C

Que.9. Which of the following is not a part of test plan?
A.    Scope
B.    Mission
C.    Objective
D.    Risk

Right Answer: B

Que.10. Which one is not Statistical Tool?
A.    Cause and effect Graphing
B.    Stratification
C.    Run Chart
D.    Regression Analysis

Right Answer: A

Que.11. The ‘v’ represent the following term:
A.    Verification and validation
B.    Static testing and Dynamic testing
C.    Black box testing and white box testing
D.    Software development process and software testing process

Right Answer: D

Que.12. Function point is a measure of
A.    Effort
B.    Complexity
C.    Usability
D.    Size

Right Answer: D

Que.13. You are told to prepare a report on the most commonly occurring product defects. You review the software defect reports, which categories the defects of coding errors, requirement errors, documentation errors, etc. The best tool to report this information is
A.    A histogram
B.    A pareto diagram
C.    A cause and effect diagram
D.    A scatter plot

Right Answer: A

Que.14. A statistical technique to assess, monitor and maintain the stability of a process is
A.    Pareto chart
B.    Control chart
C.    Run chart
D.    Histogram

Right Answer: B

Que.15. The two types of incremental testing approaches are top down and bottom up approach.
A.    True
B.    False

Right Answer: A

Que.16. If the measurement taken by the two people are same refers to the terms as
A.    Reliability
B.    Validity
C.    Calibration
D.    Ease of use and simplicity

Right Answer: A

Que.17. Test Readiness review is conducted by the
A.    Project manager
B.    Test manager
C.    Quality assurance personnel
D.    User/Customer

Right Answer: B

Que.18. To which phase will training cost fall?
A.    Failure
B.    Prevention
C.    Build
D.    Appraisal

Right Answer: B

Que.19. You are performing a test to see that it complies with the user requirement that a certain field be populated by using a drop down box containing a list of values. What kind of testing are you doing?
A.    White box testing
B.    Black box testing
C.    Load testing
D.    Regression testing

Right Answer: B

Que.20. Which is the reputed testing standard?
A.    M Bridge awards
B.    QAI
C.    ISO
D.    Microsoft

Right Answer: C

Data Structure MCQ Test – 1

Que.1. Can linked list be implemented using arrays?
A.    Yes
B.    No

Right Answer: A

Que.2. On which principle does stack work?
A.    FILO
B.    FIFO
C.    LILO
D.    Both a and c above

Right Answer: A

Que.3. An empty list is the one which has no
A.    nodes
B.    data
C.    both a and b above
D.    address

Right Answer: C

Que.4. In a heap, element with the greatest key is always in the ______________ node
A.    leaf
B.    root
C.    first node of left sub tree
D.    first node of right sub tree

Right Answer: B

Que.5. A _____________ tree is tree where for each parent node, there is only one associated child node
A.    balanced binary tree
B.    rooted complete binary tree
C.    complete binary tree
D.    degenerate tree

Right Answer: D

Que.6. Items in a priority queue are entered in a _______________ order
A.    random
B.    order of priority
C.    as and when they come
D.    none of the above

Right Answer: A

Que.7. A tree cannot contain cycles
A.    False
B.    True

Right Answer: B

Que.8. In graphs, A hyperedge is an edge that is allowed to take on any number of _____________
A.    Vertices
B.    Edges
C.    Both a and b above
D.    Labels

Right Answer: B

Que.9. Key value pairs is usually seen in
A.    Hash tables
B.    Heaps
C.    Both a and b
D.    Skip list

Right Answer: A

Que.10. Breadth First Search is used in
A.    Binary trees
B.    Stacks
C.    Graphs
D.    Both a and c above

Right Answer: C

Que.11. Which of the following ways below is a pre order traversal?
A.    Root->left sub tree->right sub tree
B.    Root-> right sub tree ->left sub tree
C.    right sub tree->left sub tree->Root
D.    left sub tree->right sub tree->Root

Right Answer: A

Que.12. What is the pecularity of red blac trees?
A.    In red-black trees, the root do not contain data.
B.    In red-black trees, the leaf nodes are not relevant and do not contain data.
C.    In red-black trees, the leaf node are relevant but do not contain data.
D.    Both a and c above

Right Answer: B

Que.13. AVL trees have a faster ________________
A.    Insertion
B.    Deletion
C.    Updation
D.    Retrival

Right Answer: D

Que.14. Which of the following statements hold true for binary trees?
A.    The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node’s key
B.    The right subtree of a node contains only one nodes with key greater than the node’s key.
C.    Both a and b above
D.    Noth left and right subtree nodes contains only nodes with keys less than the node’s key

Right Answer: C

Que.15. Which of the following linked list below have last node of the list pointing to the first node?
A.    circular doubly linked list
B.    circular linked list
C.    circular singly linked list
D.    doubly linked list

Right Answer: C

Que.16. Which of the following ways below is a In order traversal?
A.    Root->left sub tree->right sub tree
B.    Root-> right sub tree ->left sub tree
C.    right sub tree->left sub tree->Root
D.    left sub tree->right sub tree->Root

Right Answer: D

Que.17. Can stack be describe as a pointer?
A.    Yes
B.    No

Right Answer: A

Que.18. The time required in best case for search operation in binary tree is
A.    O(n)
B.    O(log n)
C.    O(2n)
D.    O(log 2n)

Right Answer: B

Que.19. In ______________ tree, the heights of two child subtree of any node differ by at most one
A.    Binary tree
B.    Red black tree
C.    Splay tree
D.    AVL tree

Right Answer: D